My sister is joining us!

Greetings from sunny Florida!! (yes I’m posting on my vacation)

This is my current view 😀 I think I could get used to posting with the gulf coast out my window.
Come back soon – I plan on posting some pictures of my trip in a few days.

The main reason I’m taking time out of my swimming in the ocean and sitting by the pool is I have some great news to share – my crafty and very talented baker sister has decided to join my blog!! This means more posts and I’m hoping some amazing recipes and pretty great crafts.
My sister is the one I go to when I need help with anything to do with baking or sewing. She makes these gorgeous and unusual quilts. They are unusual because they don’t follow the basic recipe of squares sewn together, rather they are more like appliqués. This results in something more modern and up to date. Since she only makes them for babies I don’t have one 😦 but will work on that problem 😉
She is a very healthy eater (but does have a downfall- chocolate) and makes some AMAZING gluten free recipes. When there is an occasion for a cake, she’s the one who’s commissioned to make it.
I know I’m excited to have her here and to see her amazing creations and hope all of you enjoy her posts too!

Welcome Stephanie!!!!!!!